Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Top 10 Reasons I Love Being a Beachbody Coach

I am still a newer Beachbody coach, only in my 5th month of coaching. I haven't made millions yet, or anywhere close to it. I am not a 10 star diamond coach yet, or even a diamond coach at all (although I hope that statement changes in the very immediate future!) But even as I strive for these goals, I am LOVING what coaching has done for me. Here are the top 10 reasons that I love coaching:

1. It keeps me accountable! I'm not a perfect person who has more willpower than you or anyone else! I struggle with wanting to sleep in instead of working out, or wanting to eat my sourdough baguette that comes with my soup! I am a normal person who continues to dig deep each day to find the discipline I need to stick to my plan and achieve my fitness goals. It's not always easy, but being a coach makes it so much easier! I can't tell my challengers to do something that I am not doing too. I constantly remind myself that I need to set an example for my challengers to aspire to. I don't want to let them down, and I know that they look to me as an inspiration. That is the biggest reason I continue to be successful with my weight loss.

2. I love knowing that I have helped others. Seriously. There is nothing greater than hearing from someone that they feel healthier, or more confident, or more energetic because of me. I get thank yous almost daily from people who tell me that I have helped improve their lives. How many people can say that? I get so much joy from hearing about people's success. There is nothing more gratifying than knowing I make a difference.

3. No one is telling me what to do. I am my own boss. I can spend as much or as little time on this business as I want. Obviously, the more time I spend, the more successful I'll be. But only I have to make that decision. There is no pressure from anyone other than myself. I definitely can't say that about my other job!

4. You can be a coach from anywhere! Yep, I can do my work from the beach, from the park with my kids, from Disneyland-- it doesn't matter, as long as I have a cell phone. Talk about flexibility! Who needs time off when you can be helping people for a few minutes a day from anywhere in the world?

5.  It's financially rewarding. While I may not be raking in the 6 figure income yet, I'm steadily bringing in at least an extra $500 a month, simply by helping other people. It's so nice to have extra income, plus there are always prizes and trips to be won. Our holiday shopping was much less stressful this year thanks to my extra earnings! Beachbody coaches get paid a 25% commission on anything we sell, plus you get the opportunity to earn team bonuses, cycle bonuses and additional bonuses when you advance in rank. And we get paid via direct deposit every Thursday. How cool is that? Every week I see the money from my work the previous week. Almost immediate gratification!


6.  The Beachbody organization is a group of positive, uplifting and super motivating individuals. I honestly love seeing my newsfeed on Facebook every morning, because I know I will get the positive motivation and encouragement I need to start my day off on the right foot. I've never been so surrounded by highly inspirational, positive people. I love it! I realize now how much time I have spent surrounded by negativity, and simply allowing myself to be a part of something so uplifting has made a huge difference in my outlook on life! We are all a product of our environments, so it is certain that by surrounding yourself with a healthy, positive network will bring about such qualities in yourself.


7.  The products rock. I mean truly, they are so awesome. I swear, they have changed my life. Shakeology is a game changer, and it has improved my health in so many ways. I have only gotten sick once since I started drinking it 9 months ago, and that is despite many illnesses in our house and working in doctor's offices all day. In the past I would be sick at least 6 times per year. I can say with certainty that the vitamins, antioxidants and probiotics in Shakeology deserve the credit. And the workout programs? A-MAZ-ING! I love every one I have tried! I had always had a gym membership before, because I thought I needed all of the fancy equipment and large variety of classes. But the truth was, I spent $30 a month (or $360/year) to go maybe once a week to a class that fit into my schedule. It was tough as a working mom to find time to drive to the gym, do an hour class, drive back--- it was a full 90 minutes. I don't have that kind of time! Now, I can do a killer workout in 30 minutes in my living room before my kids even wake up. No excuses needed! I have no problem sharing these products, because I believe in them. They work for me, and I've seen them work for countless others.

8.  There is so much potential. There are several top coaches in the "millionaire's club," and dozens who make six figures annually. Tons of coaches have quit their full time jobs and even retired their spouses because they have made so much money coaching. There is no "salary cap" or feeling like you can never achieve your financial goals in your career. This opportunity can take you as far as you can dream. Want to get out of debt? Want to buy your dream house? Or, if you are like me, do you want to stay home with your kids? It's all possible with hard work and dedication.

9. There are no set hours. You can work this business anytime you want. I'm doing it all when my kids are asleep so they aren't affected, which means early mornings, lunch breaks and after they go to bed. Anyone can find time to do this, even with a full time job. This is your opportunity, and you do it on YOUR time.

10.  You can help others experience the same benefits of coaching. I am so excited to build my team and show other people how to work this business. I can't wait for them to get as much out of Beachbody as I have.  I am honored to be able to lead a team and grow with them, helping everyone reach the goals that they set. What's better than your own success? Helping others succeed with you!


Does any of this sound like something you'd like to learn more about? If you think you may be interested in learning more about what this business is all about, I highly encourage you to contact me at danarsimon@gmail.com and let me know! I would love to answer your questions and help get you started!

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