Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Is a Calorie Really Just a Calorie?

It is easy to rationalize that as long as you stick to a particular calorie count per day, you should be able to lose weight. We have all heard the information that a pound is roughly equal to 3,500 calories, so technically speaking, if we take in 3,500 fewer calories in a week, we should lose 1 pound, right? In that way of thinking, if we reduced our daily caloric intake by 500 calories per day over the course of a week, we would weigh 1 pound less. Well, that may indeed be the case, but it is actually much more complicated than that.

While it is definitely true that all calories are created equal when you define them by their energy content, it is impossible to consider fat calories, carbohydrate calories and protein calories equal because of the way our bodies process them.

Once we consume calories from food, our bodies go to work to metabolize them. The body must use energy to digest and absorb the energy from our food. Generally, more energy is required to process protein than carbs, and more energy is required to process carbs than fat. What that means is that protein is most easily digested and turned into energy, while carbs and fat stick around a little longer, often resulting in less weight loss.

Calorie Restriction

Unfortunately, many people believe that by dramatically cutting calories, they will see the quickest weight loss. While it is true that the first few weeks may indeed result in dramatic results, usually after awhile the body's metabolism adapts to the new calorie allotment and starts burning calories at a slower rate in order to prevent starvation. As a matter of fact, many overweight individuals eat too few calories in a day. These people also usually lead very inactive lifestyles, because they don't have enough energy coming from healthy food sources. Their resting metabolic rate is extremely low. This means the number of calories their bodies burn at rest can be as low as 750 calories per day! For this person, if they only ate 1000 calories per day (which is considered starvation), they would gain 10 pounds in a year! Eating enough calories from healthy foods that provide the vitamins, minerals and protein our bodies need is the most efficient way to lose weight. Weight training, or adding more muscle mass to our bodies, can also have a dramatic effect on our metabolism.

Timing of Meals

Our bodies are literally like a furnace, and when we put food in, the furnace burns to process it, then cools off between meals. If the furnace is left to get completely cold, it has to warm up all over again, and it takes longer to reach burning temperatures. If, however, it is fed regularly and never has a chance to completely cool, it stays burning at various temperatures throughout the day, constantly metabolising our calories.

It is proven that we burn the most calories in the morning, which is why some people say to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper. The truth is that the most efficient way to increase your metabolism is to eat 5-6 times per day at 2.5-3 hour intervals. A study of boxers showed that those who ate six meals per day on a weight controlled diet lowered their body fat percentage significantly more than boxers who ate the exact same number of calories in two meals per day. 

When you avoid long periods without food, you keep your blood glucose at a more consistent level with fewer peaks and valleys. Not only does this help keep your energy levels high, but it also helps prevent the release of cortisol, a hormone known to contribute to belly fat. Simply by dividing your daily calories into more frequent, smaller meals you could lose weight without eliminating any calories at all.

Protein and Fiber Reduce Appetite

Generally speaking, foods high in protein and/or fiber will fill you up more per calorie than other foods. This means that by eating a diet high in protein and fiber, you will feel more satisfied and end up eating less without even really trying. In addition, fiber is not absorbed into the body, so even though it fills you up, it doesn't fill you out! This is why a diet high in lean meats, vegetables and whole grains is the best possible option for you to stay satisfied and still lose weight while feeling great.

And lastly, remember that you could eat a 1500 calorie a day diet consisting of a donut, a couple of fast food tacos, a small salad and a glass of wine. But you would feel hungry, lack energy and see very slow weight loss progress. Or you could have a 1500 calorie day filled with an egg white omelet with veggies and cheese, a snack of almonds and an apple, a big salad topped with chicken for lunch, a snack of greek yogurt with berries and honey and a dinner of salmon with brown rice and broccoli. You would feel satiated, full of energy and see a leaner you in much less time! Not to mention the benefits of shinier hair, clearer skin and an overall glow that can only come from nutrients found in fresh, clean foods. If you don't believe me, try it yourself for a week!

If you have questions or want more information, feel free to contact me! I run monthly health and fitness challenges online and would love to help you!

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